This template comes loaded with options that you can use to customize your site exactly how you want it. Here's how to get to these custom settings:

  • 01In the backend of Joomla go menu item Extensions/Template Manager.
  • 02Click on the title of the template.
  • 03This will bring you to the template manager screen where you can edit the template's parameters.
  • 04Click save when you are done

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02 June 2024

Daily Devotionals
  • Generously Given and Shared

    When my wife, Cari, and I finished our higher education, we had several thousand dollars in debt that we needed to consolidate through a lower interest rate. We applied for a loan at the local bank but were turned down because we hadn’t lived or worked in that city for long. A few days later, I shared what had happened with my friend Ming, who was an elder in our church. “I’d like to mention this to my wife,” he said on the way out the door.

    A few hours later, the phone rang. It was Ming: “Ann and I would like to loan you the money you need, interest


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  • Last Modified: Fri, 24 May 2024.