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The founder of the school and the various principals who succeeded him put considerable stress on the cultivation of a strong school spirit. Strict discipline, honesty, hard work and reliability were required. Religious formation was thought to be very important. This helped to foster character building, tolerance, goodwill and a sense of public duty.

An emblem to represent the school in the eyes and minds of the students was thought very important by all principals from 1954. The Sacred Heart School crest incorporated the school motto. Down the years, certain modifications to the crest have been made, yet the motto, “Ora et Labora”, in Latin; in English, “Pray and Labour”; or in BM, “Berdoa serta Berusaha”, has been retained unaltered.

Through a knowledge and understanding of this crest, the students of Sacred Heart School, are to grow in love for, loyalty to, and respect and reverence for their Alma Mater or mother school. Knowledge breeds understanding; understanding love; and love loyalty, respect and pride.